Tamagoyaki (Japanese Rolled Eggs Omelette) Recipe レシピ

Tamagoyaki (Japanese Rolled Eggs Omelette) Recipe
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Make sure you try this Tamagoyaki (Dashimaki Tamago) recipe or you are really missing
  • 調理時間:515
  • 人数:4人分


With this recipe you can make one of the simplest and most versatile protein-rich side dishes in Japanese cuisine with this tamagoyaki Japanese omelet recipe.


  1. eggs 4
  2. soy sauce (shoyu) 1
  3. mirin sauce or 1 teaspoon of cane sugar 1
  4. tablespoons of dashi fish stock(optional) 2
  5. salt 1
  6. cooking oil 1


  1. 1.

    Start by beating your eggs in a bowl with a fork, or with chopsticks if you master their use.

  2. 2.

    Add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon mirin, 1 tablespoon sugar and a little salt.

  3. 3.

    Heat a little cooking oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Keep absorbent paper at hand to keep the frying pan oiled during cooking.

  4. 4.

    Put a small amount of beaten eggs in the hot frying pan. When it is almost cooked (the top should not be completely cooked), reserve the omelet on the side of the frying pan.

  5. 5.

    Oil the frying pan a second time, and then again add a small amount of eggs to the hot frying pan. Again, wait until the eggs are almost cooked. You can then start rolling the first piece of omelet on the one you just cooked, so as to get a small roll.

  6. 6.

    Repeat, making sure to oil the pan between each layer. The more omelets you add, the larger your roll will be and the easier it will be to add new layers to it. Continue to make new layers of omelet and add them to the roll until you used all the preparation.

  7. 7.

    Your tamagoyaki is ready! Remove it from the frying pan and wait until it cools down before cutting it into thin slices with a sharp knife.


Instead of using mirin and soy sauce, you can simply use ordinary Japanese dashi broth, you will achieve similar results. Add a sachet of dashi powder to your eggs to give them an exquisite taste.


  • (ID: r1436500)
  • 2020/03/29 UP!



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